Well, let’s see — I minted at 1.5. It’s now bouncing around 12–13 as you say. I’m gonna go ahead and say that does not suck. Portals Ivory approached 20 before the latest BTC/crypto dump. Partnered with FTX, Radydium, and MagicEden (so far) and many other huge names are on the way. Their biggest VC investor is behind the absolute biggest tech projects in existence. Early users of Portals are absolutely loving the experience and posting pics of their Portal all over Twitter. And there are about to be major airdrops of new property/land to holders of the genesis project. I mean, all in all … I guess it’s good you don’t analyze investment opportunities, because if you can’t look past the price in a temporarily struggling crypto to see the longer-range picture that's emerging, probably NGMI.