Bank Box: Anatomy of a Rug — and a Sociopath.

Jeff Opdyke (Jeffo)
4 min readNov 29, 2021

And in the end … it was a rug.

I am talking about SolanaBankBox, the NFT project that promised to pay out SOL monthly to holders of four different bank boxes.

Bank Box minted on Sunday, Nov. 28, and immediately worries mounted. I minted two (one for me; one for my landlord) and both were the supposedly super-rare Alien Boxes. That’s uncanny luck … or a sign of something bad.

The Discord chat took forever to reopen, and when it did it was clear that everyone was minting the two rarest of four different…



Jeff Opdyke (Jeffo)

Former Wall Street Journal writer living in Prague. Crypto and investing. Editor Global Intelligence Letter. Also on Substack: