Dec 18, 2021
A few things to keep in mind:
- I wrote this when the price was just under 30 SOL. It’s 45 SOL a few days later. Changes the math.
- There is a 3,000 token bonus at the end of 12 months. Changes the math.
- Holding the NFT will likely result in profit sharing from GenesysGO. Also changes the math.
- The IDO is auction. Starts at $0.50. Fully subscribed, it’s $1. Oversubscribed, who knows what it all. Changes the math.
In my estimation, owning an asset that pays out daily over time allows you to sell into higher prices all throughout the year (reverse dollar-cost-averaging). Plus, the benefits of owning the NFT… much rather own the NFT than buy the shares in the offering, because the offering is likely to be much higher than the cost of the NFT today.